April 2014

Dear gracious readers,

We know the keepers of the Emporium told you that we had relocated. Well, we are moving the entire kit and kaboodle back to Oaklandia, in the land of California. We’ll be returning to the Golden State in the month of May.

Please be in touch with our proprietor for more details. Our prior address is where we will be.

Thank you for your patience.

The House Elves of Malvena Pearl’s Emporium

We also invite anyone who is already in the Bay Area to support the 2014 Oakland performance of The Vagina Monologues.  Funds raised by this production will benefit the California Coalition for Women Prisoners (womenprisoners.org). Lady V-Jay Jay will be on sabbatical for this performance, so that means that you, dear readers, need to show up! It’s a great show and the proceeds all go to a great cause. Tickets may be purchased here.

This message was sponsored by the creature that sheds its skin, the snake